Plexxcon have been engaged to assist in restoring the large exposed main Floor Beams that can be seen in the open Courtyard down the center of the building in MacTaggart’s Wool store, Tenerife. These large Hardwood bearers once used to support tons of Wool and other goods for shipping and rail transport from 1926 onwards. in 1995 the building was repurposed into Architectural apartments, during these works the center of the roof was opened and a Central courtyard was created allowing natural light and weather to enter, this has resulted in natural degradation of the original timbers over time.
Our works include sourcing oversized hardwood beams in accordance with heritage requirements, supporting live deck areas whilst remediation and replacement work takes place within a live environment of over 100 occupied units. This requires unique solutions for propping, lifting and replacing large timber members in very limited access areas whilst working closely with Heritage, body corporate, stakeholder and tenants requirements in mind.